Gather The Spirit Through Music
The Unitarian Music Society (UMS), an affiliated society of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches has two stated aims
1. to provide a focus for all Unitarians interested in music, particularly its role in Unitarian worship.
2. to provide music education in the widest sense.
The society is led by a committee of between 5 and 10 members. Currently, our chief officers are
Louise Rogers - chair
Margaret Robinson - secretary
Gary Brookfield - treasurer
We gather annually in August for fellowship and music-making, usually at the Nightingale Centre at Great Hucklow, Derbyshire.
A newsletter - Cantemus News ("Let us sing") - edited and designed by Lyanne Mitchell, is published at regular intervals which is free to members.
If you would like to join the society, either as an individual or as a church, please make contact with our secretary - Margaret will send you a membership form.